Create a website with NirCmd with maximize windows
Create by NirCmd can have a maximize window. You can not create an url shortcut in Windows to have maximize window.
NirCmd can download from(very good freeware):
Sample of my home page
NirCmd shortcut "" "c:\" "!YahooTw" "" "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "0" "Max" "" ""
[filename] [folder] [shortcut title] {arguments} {icon file} {icon resource number} {ShowCmd} {Start In Folder} {Hot Key}
Creates a shortcut to a file.
The parameters:
Create a shortcut to this filename.
Specify the destination folder that inside it the shortcut will be created. You can specify any valid folder, including the special variables that represent system folders, like ~$folder.desktop$ (Desktop folder), ~$folder.programs$ (Start-Menu-Programs folder), and so on...
[shortcut title]:
The text displayed in the shortcut.
Optional parameter - Additional arguments to execute the filename.
{icon file}:
Optional parameter - Use this parameter if your want that the shortcut will be displayed with icon other than the default one.
{icon resource number}:
Optional parameter - The resource number inside the icon file. (第一個要用0為代號)
Optional parameter - Use this parameter if you want to maximize or minimize the window of the program. Specify "max" to maximize the window or "min" to minimize it.
{Start In Folder}:
Optional parameter - Specifies the "Start In" folder. If you don't specify this parameter, the "Start In" folder is automatically filled with the folder of the program you specify in [filename] parameter.
{Hot Key}:
Optional parameter - Specifies an hot-key that will activate the shortcut. For example: Alt+Ctrl+A, Alt+Shift+F8, Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Y
shortcut "f:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "Windows Calculator"
shortcut "f:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Calculators" "Windows Calculator"
shortcut "f:\Program Files\KaZaA\Kazaa.exe" "c:\temp\MyShortcuts" "Kazaa"
shortcut "f:\Program Files" "c:\temp\MyShortcuts" "Program Files Folder" "" "f:\winnt\system32\shell32.dll" 45
shortcut "f:\Program Files" "c:\temp\MyShortcuts" "Program Files Folder" "" "" "" "max"